Chapter 12: Firmware Upgrade
6. Click Yes. Then the utility starts to upgrade the selected device. If
the device is a Main Unit, the Main Unit and every Stacking Unit (if
any) connected to it are upgraded at one time.
For more details of the Paragon Update utility, see Paragon Manager
User Guide. This user guide is available on Raritan website's Firmware
and Documentation section
Note: Usuall
the .hex file for updating the firmware of both the Main and
Stacking Units is the one whose name is “P2-xxx” (xxx represents the
version) unless you are updating these units for obtaining failsafe
upgrade feature or it is an update failure case for the Stacking Unit. If so,
see later sections in this chapter for the appropriate .hex file.
Failsafe Upgrade Feature
In the past, whenever a firmware update failure occurred on the Paragon
II Main Unit, Stacking Unit or a P2-UST user station, a return to Raritan
is required for function restoration. Now Raritan provides the FAILSAFE
upgrade capability, which enables you to restore its function back to
normal by yourself when any update failure occurs.
The versions of firmware and boot loader required for different
devices to support the failsafe upgrade feature
Device Required version
Main Unit Firmware version: Any version after 3B0K
Boot loader version: 0C4 or later
Stacking Unit Main Unit's firmware version: 3E5 or later
Stacking Unit's boot loader version: 0C5 or later
P2-EUST or
P2-EUST/C user
Firmware version: Any version
P2-UST user
Firmware version: 1F9 or later
Note: Boot loader is displayed as “F/W Loader” on the Front Panel LCD
The above-mentioned devices in Paragon II version 4.2 or later are
already implemented with the failsafe upgrade feature. If your devices
belong to earlier versions, you can upgrade them with the appropriate
Paragon Update utility (version 2.4.1 or later). See subsequent sections
for how to upgrade different devices for failsafe upgrade feature.