Chapter 13: KSX II Local Console
Local Port Administration
The KSX II can be managed by either the KSX II Local Console or the
KSX II Remote Console. Note that the KSX II Local Console also
provides access to:
Factory Reset
Local Port Settings
Note: Only users with administrative privileges can access these
KSX II Local Console Local Port Settings
From the Local Port Settings page, you can customize many settings for
the KSX II Local Console including keyboard, local port hot key, video
switching delay, power save mode, local user interface resolution
settings, and local user authentication.
Note: This feature is available only on the KSX II Local Console.
To configure the local port settings:
1. Choose Device Settings > Local Port Settings. The Local Port
Settings page opens.
2. Choose the appropriate keyboard type from among the options in the
drop-down list:
United Kingdom
French (France)
German (Germany)
JIS (Japanese Industry Standard)
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Dubeolsik Hangul (Korean)
German (Switzerland)
Norwegian (Norway)
Swedish (Sweden)
Danish (Denmark)
Belgian (Belgium)