3. Trace the Category 5e UTP cable from the chosen UST1 to the Paragon Switch and disconnect this
cable from the Paragon Switch user port. Reserve this user port for connection from the Z-CIM.
4. Add the Z-CIM (UKVMSPD or UKVMSC) between the chosen User Station (UST1) and the
Paragon Switch.
a. Connect the Category 5e UTP cable from the chosen UST1 to the UTP OUT port on the Z-
b. Connect another Category 5e UTP cable to the UTP IN port on the Z-CIM
c. Connect the other end of this UTP cable to the reserved user port on the Paragon Switch.
5. Connect the Personal Computer to the Z-CIM.
a. Attach the CIM to the computer via its 15-pin male video port, connecting it to the 15-pin
female video port on the computer.
b. Connect keyboard and mouse cable legs from the UKVMSPD to appropriate 6-pin mini-DIN
mouse and keyboard ports on computer.
a. Connect DB25 male end of CCP06 cable to DB25 female port on UKVMSC Z-CIM.
b. Connect the other end of the CCP06 cable to appropriate 6-pin mini-DIN mouse and
keyboard ports, and the HD15 video port on the Personal Computer.
6. Power ON Personal Computer.
Activate Local PC Mode on UST1:
1. Login from the chosen User Station, which will have access to both a local Personal Computer
and the Paragon Switch.
2. Press <F4> to display the User Profile Menu.
3. Use the <Ç> or <È> keys to go to the Local PC field and press <Enter> - the yellow highlight
will turn green.
4. Use the <Ç> or <È> keys to select On and press <Enter> - the highlight will turn yellow.
5. Press <S> to save the change and return to the User Profile Menu, or press <Esc> to return to the
User Profile Menu without saving this change.
Operating Local Personal Computer Access:
1. Press the <Home> key twice to access the local personal computer quickly while viewing any
OSUI menu. You will automatically be switched to the local or “home” PC.
2. To return to Paragon switching, bring up Paragon’s OSUI by rapidly pressing the hot key
activator twice. Then press <F2> to bring up the Selection Menu, which shows all servers and
devices connected to Paragon.
Note: If you changed the Hot Key activator, remember to use your new Hot Key
assignation to activate the OSUI.