RayChart 420/420D Chartplotter
Time offset
If you wish to display local time, use the trackpad to change from UTC to the
required time offset. This can be up to plus or minus 13 hours, in 1 hour steps.
The default is UTC.
Select the language in which you wish information to be displayed. The
selected language is used for screen text, labels, menus and options. Chart text,
provided by the chart card, is not affected.
The simulator allows you to operate your RayChart 420 without data from
external sources. The options are ON or OFF.
When ON is selected the simulator will generate position, SOG and COG data
and use the simulated data in place of any real data.
Note: The simulated data overrides any real data that your display unit is
receiving from externally connected equipment.
The position is initially the position of the cursor when the simulator is switched
on and the SOG and COG are as selected by the user. The position is updated to
reflect the SOG and COG. See Simulated SOG and Simulated COG below.
If a GOTO or Follow is started, the simulator does not use the selected value of
COG but, instead, generates a value of COG that simulates the navigation
function in progress. When GOTO or Follow is stopped, the user selected value
of COG is used.
Simulated SOG
Use horizontal movements of the trackpad to adjust the value of SOG which is
adjustable in 1 knot intervals from 00 to 99.
The Default value is zero and the selected value is retained on power down.
If the simulator is switched OFF, the value is shown as dashes and no
adjustment is possible.
Simulated COG
Use horizontal movements of the trackpad to adjust the value of COG which is
adjustable in 1° intervals from 000° to 359°. It wraps around from 000 to 359
and from 359 to 000.