Manual sensitivity
You can also set the sensitivity manually. If the amount of
background noise changes, the FishFinder will not adjust
for this. If you choose Manual sensitivity, press the
on the Page control pad to go to the next line. Use the
< and
> arrows on the Page control pad to move the dark bar on
the display. Making the bar longer increases the sensitivity.
If you are done with your setup changes, press the
button to go back
to the normal display. To select the next menu item, press the
arrow on
the Page control pad.
Chart Speed Setting
Most of the displays on the FishFinder show a record of the signals the
unit has received. The new information appears at the right (or top) edge
of the display. The older information moves toward the left (or bottom) of
the display. The chart speed adjustment sets the speed at which the
display moves. (Notice that the scrolling speed of the display is not
related to the speed of the boat over the bottom. The speed of the display
is controlled
by the chart speed setting.)
Figure 4-4 shows how the chart speed setting affects the display. In both
cases, the unit is showing the same section of the bottom. Using a faster
chart speed, the display has more space on the display to show this
section, so it can include more detail. Using a slower chart speed, this
Fig. 4-4
Changing the
Chart Speed
Section of bottom shown
at higher chart speed -
Same section shown at
slower chart speed -
Display shows
more detail
Display shows
longer "history"
Setup Instructions