Using the TV's Menu System
To enter a number greater than 99, press and
hold "I" to enter the hundreds digit, then
press the two remaining numbers.
Channel # Use the LIp and doxvn a[T(I'_VNto scroll up and down through
the c['mnnels available via your :.mttqlna. You call iJnter 111ยข"channtq nuinher
directly rising the number buttons.
NormalList Only the channels included in the Nornlal [is\ arc available
\,,hen }on scan Lip :Ill(.[ dO\Vl+l using channel tip and down. Use the up and
down arrow buttons to indicate \\ hetllcr tilt: channt.,] nuinl_r indicated is
included (}7.>x) or is not incltldcd (.Vo) ii_ the Normal channel list.
ChannelLabel Use the Lip and do\xn artx)w btlttOtlS t() entc+r a six
character label for each channel ltold the buuon do\\n to scio!l quickly
through the characters. The T\' call store up to 2- labcls in llleln()i}
Auto Tuning Displays a choice list tl_clt lets ,,<>uset up flit, '1\ to aUtOlnafically
tune to the correct input channel when }()kl ])I'L2NSa colnponL,nt I)tllt()13 tV(]ltl.
D\D. VCR2, Ol SAToCABI.E) on the icmole, (,o to Chapter 3 7oi details ab_nn
the Auto Tuning l;.:ature.
Video Input Source Lets you select _ hethel or not you have used tile S Video
jack to connect a component. If yoi.i are clsing the S-Video lack in this way.
select S-_ideo Input. 11:not, select lideo input.
Time Menu
Sleep Timer Displays a control panel that lets ) ou select the alm)tn/t of time
you want to give the TV beli_re it shuts itself off.
Schedule Displays a control panel that lets you set tip a schedule for turning
tile TV on and off automatically. Reminder: you nlus_ turn the schedule On. The
on-screen directions guide you through tile steps needed to set the schedule.
Set Time Displays a control panel that lets you enter the current time. The on-
screen directions guide you through the steps needed to set the time. If your
GUIDE Plus+ system is set up, it will automatically update your time and this
option will not appear.
50 Chapter 4