Advanced Features
Chapter 6 77
Menu Definitions
The following charts will help you get acquainted with the various menus and some brief
definitions of their features. For more detailed explanation, refer to the corresponding
System Menu
This menu can’t be accessed while recording.
REC MODE* Allows you to set the recording mode (SP or SLP) (see
page 25).
D. ZOOM 50X Factory Preset: Allows you to use the Digital Zoom. By
digitally processing and magnifying images, zooming is
possible from 16X (the optical zoom limit), to a
maximum of 50X digital magnification.
400X Allows you to use the Digital Zoom. By digitally
processing and magnifying images, zooming is possible
from 16X (the optical zoom limit), to a maximum of
400X digital magnification.
OFF Digital Zoom isn’t available. Only optical zoom
(maximum 16x magnification) can function. When set to
OFF during Digital Zoom, zoom magnification changes
to 16X.
* Activated only when VIDEO is selected (the DSC indicator is not on). If DSC is
selected (the DSC indicator is on), this function will not be activated even though the
highlight bar on the menu will move to that position.
Functions listed without an asterisk are available when either DSC or VIDEO is selected.
Camera Menu
FOCUS Refer to Focusing (see page 85).
EXPOSURE Refer to Exposure Control (see page 84).
M.W.B. Refer to White Balance Adjustment and Manual White Balance
Operation (see pages 87-88).
TITLE* Allows you to superimpose one of eight preset titles (see page 90).
DATE/TIME DISP.* Makes the date/time settings appear in the camcorder or on a
connected monitor (see page 89).