Selecting Images
To select images one by one: press the
Control key (Command key on the
Macintosh) and click thumbnails
individually to activate the selection.
Camera Status
Use this button to display camera status
Record mode: Previews the picture to
be taken and displays it on the camera's
LCD monitor.
Play mode: Views the photos taken and
displays them on the camera's LCD.
Auto Power Off Time: Allows setting of
the time interval before auto shut off.
(PC user's note: Left Mouse Button
increases numbers. Right mouse button
decreases numbers.)
Camera Setting
Use this button to display camera
setting dialog.
Exit from TWAIN
Use this button to exit the TWAIN
Baud Rate Speeding includes three
levels; slow (38400 bits per second),
normal (57600 bits per second), and fast
(115200 bits per second).
Help for the user(s)
Use this button to display the on-line
help window.