The Menu System
The Future on-screen button is a short-cut to viewing future times in the
Program Guide. Point to and select Future to display the Future Times
The Future button can sort the guide by time of day.
The Future Times menu will sort the Program Guide by respective times,
such as “Tomorrow Morning,” or “Monday Night.” Simply point to and
select the Future on-screen button, point to the desired time period with
the up and down arrows, and press SELECT•MENU to display the
Program Guide listing programs in that time period.
Pay-Per-View Programs
Pay-per-view programs are featured in the PPV Program Guide and can
be purchased — like a movie ticket — on a program-by-program basis.
Once you purchase a program, tune to the program’s channel at its start
time to watch it.
PPV Previews
Press the PPV button on the remote once to view the pay-per-view
promotional channel.
The PPV promotional channel features previews and