Maintenance Tasks
User Levels
Desk Phone:
There are different types of security levels to access the desk phone settings
User level password: User with this password is allowed to change call settings
(i.e. call waiting) of the desk phone. If the desk phone is the master desk phone of SIP accounts, user can also
modify settings (anonymous call/anonymous call reject/ blacklist records/DND and Call forward) of the SIP
Admin level password: User can change the account settings (VOIP account setup/ base network
type/Change admin password) on the base
There are different types of security levels to access the Web server on the base.
user1 – user8: These are normal users. User # can access the settings related to desk phone #.
admin: This is a special account which allows the user to access all settings of the base.
Reset to Factory
Desk Phone:
Go to the Menu “System”. Select the “Handset Factory Default”. The settings and memory in this desk phone
are all reset to factory default.
Hold down the page key for 60 seconds then release the key. The settings in base will go back to factory
Firmware Upgrade
Desk Phone:
Go to the menu “System” [ “Firmware Upgrade”. The phone will check the availability of new software
version. If new firmware is available, a popup window will ask “New Firmware is available. Upgrade now?”
Select “Yes” soft key will automatically proceed with the software upgrade.