Chapter 1 13
Connections & Setup
Notes: When On Always is being used, KidPass is unavailable.
When the DSCI (Digital Serial Communications Interface) port is used to turn the TV on and off, the On Always setting is
Switched The TV can be turned on or off; Sleep Timer, Schedule and Energy Saver can be enabled. This is the default
Energy Saver Setting
When enabled, this feature turns the TV off after a specified period of inactivity (no remote or front
panel button presses). You can toggle between Disabled, 2-hour, 1-hour, and 30-minute settings. Disabled is the default
setting. If TV Power is set to On Always, Energy Saver settings are ignored. A warning message will be displayed prior to the
TV shutting off.
Panel This setting determines whether the front panel buttons are active (able to be used to control the TV) or not.
Parental Control This feature determines the amount of access basic users have to Parental Controls. Blocking age-based
rating and content themes is described in Chapter 3. Choose between:
Basic&Pwd (Password) Basic users are able to enter the Parental Control menu and change the password. Basic
users can watch blocked programming by entering the system password. This is the default setting.
Basic Basic users are able to enter the Parental Control menu but cannot change the password. Basic users can watch
blocked programming by entering the system password.
NoBasic Parental Control does not appear on the basic Main menu. Basic users can watch blocked programming by
entering the system password.
If Parental Controls is set to
NoBasic, Movie Rating Access, TV Rating Access, Unrated Program Block, and Channel Block
will not be available to basic users, regardless of what those items have been set to individually in the Parental Controls
Min Stdby Power When enabled, keeps power consumption levels compliant with Energy Star standards. The TV is
shipped with this enabled.
Legacy Mode When turned on, allows the TV to work with earlier DSCI versions. Off is the default setting.
Info Menu Allows the master user to determine whether the Channel Banner is displayed when the INFO button is
pressed on the remote. Page 24 shows this display.
Hospital Mode (Model J20F742 only) When turned on, allows the TV to function with the hospital pendant remote. For
more information about this remote, go to page 7.
Note: When Remote Config. and Front Panel are set to Disabled, the MENU button on the master remote turns on the
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