26 Chapter 4
Using the TV’s Features
Canadian French V-Chip Rating System
18+ (Adults) Programming is for adults only. is program contains sustained violence or extremely violent scenes.
16+ (Viewers 16 and over) Programming is not suitable for those under age 16. is program contains frequent scenes of violence or
intensely violent scenes.
13+ (Viewers 13 and over) Programming may not be suitable for children under the age of 13. is program either contains several violent
scenes or one or more scenes that are violent enough to affect them. Viewing in the company of an adult is therefore strongly recommended
for children under the age of 13.
8+ (Viewers 8 and over) Not recommended for young children. is program is suitable for most audiences, but it contains mild or
occasional violence that could upset young children. Viewing in the company of an adult is therefore recommended for young children
(under the age of 8) who do not distinguish between reality and imagination.
G (General Audience) is program is suitable for audiences of all ages. It contains no violence, or any violence that it does contain is either
minimal or is presented in a humorous manner, as a caricature, or in an unrealistic way.
USA V-Chip TV Rating Limit
e V-Chip TV Rating Limit lets you decide which TV programs can and cannot be
To set TV programming limits:
1. Choose Parental Control from the Main menu (the PASSWORD screen appears
the first time you enter the Parental Control menu). Create your password using
the number buttons on the remote.
2. Highlight and select USA V-Chip. en select TV Ratings.
3. Once you get to the TV RATING LIMIT screen, use the arrow buttons and OK
on your remote to change the status of a TV program rating or content theme
from View to Block.
e following sections give you more details about how to change the status of TV
program limits.
Note: If you forget your password you can reset it. Make sure the TV
is off. Simultaneously press and hold VOL- on the TV’s front panel
and CLEAR on the remote for approximately 5 seconds. Enter a new
password the next time you access the PARENTAL CONTROL menu.
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USA V-Chip
Canada V-Chip
Unrated Prg.
Lock Par. Cont.
Change Passwd.
Go Back
Movie Ratings
TV Ratings
Go Back
Status D L S V FV
TV-MA View V V V
TV-14 View B V V V
TV-PG View B V V V
G View
TV-17 View V
TV-Y View
Press OK to View/Block prog.
with this rating.