
V-Chip Movie Rating Limit
Set movie rating limits by blocking movies rated above a specified
To access the Movie Rating Limit menu:
1. Press MENU on the remote control (the TV's Main Menu appears).
2. Select Parental Control.
3. Select V-Chip.
4. Select US V-Chip.
5. Select Movie Ratings.
Blocking Movie Ratings
Once you are in the Movie Ratings menu, follow the same steps
described for blocking Canadian V-Chip Ratings.
Blocking Unrated/Exempt Programs
The Unrated/Exempt ratings option lets you decide if programs that
the V-Chip recognizes as unrated or exempt can be viewed. Unrated
TV programs may include news, sports, political, religious, local and
weather programs, emergency bulletins, public announcements, and
programs without ratings. The Exempt option applies to both USA and
Canadian unrated programs and Canadian programs rated E.
VIEW All unrated programs are available
BLOCK All unrated programs are not available.
Note: You must remember to lock Parental controls for rating
limits to take effect.
Press the down arrow button to highlight Unrated/Exempt, Then press the
OK button to toggle between View and Block.
Block Channel
Turn this option on to block the channel you see in the Selelct Channel
Use the left/right arrow buttons to find the channel you want to block, then
press the down arrow button to select Block Channel. Press OK to place a
check mark in the Block Channel box to block the channel. When you tune
to that channel you'll need to enter a password to view the channel if the TV
Parental Controls are locked.
Block Buttons
Select this option to block (disable) or unblock (enable) the TV’s side
panel buttons so that they can't be used by someone, like a young
child. The remote still tunes to any channel. If you're using this to
keep children from changing channels, remove access to any remote
that is capable of operating the television while you have the side
panel blocked.
Don’t forget to lock parental controls after you change the status. If
you don’t, the Block Buttons action will not take effect.
Change Password
This option let you set a new V-chip password.
1. Press MENU on the remote control (the TV's Main Menu appears).
2. Select Parental Control.
3. Select Change Password and press OK to display the password
resetting menu.
4. Using number buttons to enter the new password, press OK.
Enter the new password again and press OK to confirm.
Using the TV's Features
Press OK to view/blcok
Movie Ratings
Go Back
Parental Control
Go Back
Lock Parental Control
Select Channel 51MTV
Block Channel
Block Buttons
Change Password ...
<OK>: Select
Go Back
US V-Chip ...
Canada V-Chip ...
Region Name
Reset Downloadable Data
Unrated/Exempt VIEW
<OK>: Select
Change Password
Press OK when finished.
ConfirmPassword _ _ _ _
Create Password _ _ _ _
Chapter 3 21