RCA L Version 2.0 16
5.3 Starting the install
5.3.1 Setting up the side fames
NOTE: Some wall surfaces are not ideal
and may require shimming to keep the side
frames square to each other. This will help
eliminate photocell misalignment problems
and curtain binding issues.
The door is usually centered over the door
opening. Also at this time establish a level
line or mark on each side of the door
opening (must be marked in order to
establish a reference height in case of an
uneven floor). This can be accomplished
using either a water level or an optical
measuring device. Measuring down from
this mark to the floor on each side of the
door opening will tell you if your floor is level
at the points of installation for each of the
side frames.
(Example: If on side A, you measure from
your level mark to the floor and it 46” and
side B it measures 47”. This measurement
tells you that Side A should be installed first
right on the floor and that Side B will have to
be raised 1” in order to be level with Side
A). See figure 1.
Once you have established which side
frame to install first. You need to put up this
side frame up and fully plumb and level it,
as seen in figure 2. Centering the door in
the doorway opening will allow for minor
variations in the existing door opening
NOTE: Along the inside of each side
frame there are predrilled holes for
mounting the side frame to the door
opening. (See Appendix)
Figure 2
Figure 1
Door Width Opening
Door Height Opening
Mounting holes