EN - 13
Turning Your Tablet On for the First Time
When using the tablet for the first time, you will be required to setup the following:
1. Select the language, then tap Start .
2. Set the Wi-Fi.
3. IfyouhaveaGoogleAccount,select"Yes".Thentapanetworknametoseemore
details or connect to it, and enter a password if necessary.
When prompted, sign in using the email address and password for your Google
Account. If you don’t have one yet, go ahead and create one.
4. Follow the onscreen instructions to setup the tablet.
First Time Operation
Basic Operation
1. ThekeyboardmustbechargedusingthesuppliedUSBcable.Thecablecanbe
connected to a computer USB port or a USB power adapter (not included) to charge
Using the Keyboard
4. Tap the BT Keyboard-RCA 10.1" Tablet device name on the screen and follow the
Bluetooth pairing requestinformationtotypethenumberontheKeyboard,then
press ENTER.
2. Onceinitiallypairedtothetablet,thekeyboardwillautomaticallyconnectitselftothe
turned on.
3. Toconservebatterylife,slidethekeyboard'spowerswitchOFFwhennotinuse.
To Micro USB port
USB cable
To a computer
or a USB power
adapter (not
Note: MakesurethatyourUSBpoweradaptermatchestheMicroUSBpower