Testing the System
4. Locate the tick mark on the compass that corresponds to the
azimuth number you wrote down in the last chapter.
5. Point the LNB support arm in the same direction as the
azimuth tick mark on the compass.
6. Lightly tighten the nuts on the LNB support sleeve so the LNB
does not swing out of position when you take your hands
Bring Up the On-screen Signal Strength
1. Plug in the DSS
receiver and the TV.
2. Turn on the TV and tune to the correct channel. (Which
channel you tune to is determined by the connection you
chose on pages 12-19.)
• If you connected the receiver using the S-video or audio/
video cables (as shown on pages 12 and 14), tune the TV to
the S-video input channel or the video input channel.
• If you connected the receiver using the RF cable connection
(as shown on pages 16 and 18), tune to channel 3 or 4
(depending on how you set the CH3/CH4 switch on the back
of the receiver). Press the ANTENNA button on the receiver’s
front panel.
3. Press DSS on the remote, then press CLEAR.
If the TV shows DSS
programming or the program guide,
you’ve already picked up the signal. Skip to Disconnecting
Test Components.
4. Press MENU•SELECT on the remote to bring up the DSS
5. Point to and select Dish Pointing.
6. Point to and select Signal Meter.
You may need to adjust the TV’s volume so you can hear the
signal meter from the temporary setup.