Final Installation 33
Running a Cable into the House
Running Cable Into the House
1. Drill a hole in the location you want the coaxial cable to enter.
2. Place some silicone grease on the connector and connect the
RG-6 coaxial cable that will extend from the grounding block
to the receiver.
3. Make a 3” - 5” drip loop using cable clips at the grounding
4. Route the coaxial cable through your house to the back of the
receiver. You may route the coaxial cable through a floor or
wall or directly to the back of the receiver. If you are routing
through a wall, you may choose to install a wall plate at the
point the coaxial cable enters the inside of the house and use
a third RG-6 coaxial cable.
5. Use a silicone sealant to seal all outside connections and the
hole you drilled for the coaxial cable to enter your house.
Before drilling, make
sure there are no wires
or pipes behind the
wall in the area of the
Step 3: Make a drip loop.
Step 2: Connect RG-6 cable to
grounding block.
Step 4: Route the cable
into your house.
Cable entry into house
RG-6 coaxial cable #2
(no messenger wire)
DSS receiver
To Telephone Outlet
Grounding Block
Cable Entry Overview