E-DOC-CTC-20051017-0148 v1.0
Chapter 5
SpeedTouch™ Web Interface
5.5.16 User Management
Overview The Overview page gives you an overview of the currently configured users and
their privileges.
Click the name of a user to edit his user account.
Configure On the Configure page, you can:
Click Add to create a new user account.
Click Edit to change a user account.
Click Delete to remove a user.
Types of users The table below shows the types of users and their privileges:
User Privileges
root This is the root (master) account. This
user has all privileges without any
exceptions or limitations.
SuperUser This user can perform any service via
any access channel from any access
TechnicalSupport This user can perform any service via
any access channel from WAN origin
Administrator This user can perform any service via
any access channel from LAN or Local
origin only.
LAN_Admin This user can perform only LAN
related configurations via any access
channel from any origin.
Poweruser This user has access
to the GUI (Service/overview page) via
HTTP or HTTPS access channel from
LAN origin only.