1 VCR Plus+
2 Timer Recordings
3 Time
4 Channels
5 Preferences
6 Audio
7 Language
0 Exit
1 Auto Channel Search
2 Add/Remove Channels
3 Signal Type: CABLE
4 VCR Plus+ Channel List
5 Cable Box Setup
0 Exit
VCR+ Channel My Channel
5 46
4 --
3 -> -> -> 23
2 --
1 --
Use CH+/- to select
Press 0-9 to change
Press MENU to save
If you receive all channels through
your cable box on Channel 3 or 4, you
must use the regular Timer Recording
method to record programs.
press MENU to save.
Program 1 (One Time)
Channel 104 Cable
Start Time 08:00 PM
End Time 09:30 PM
Start Date 11/18/99 Thu
Tape Speed SLP
Press CLEAR to erase
Press MENU for next prog
Program 1 has been saved
Remember to insert a
recordable tape and
turn the VCR off before
the program start time.
Remember to leave your
cable box on and tuned
to the desired channel
Timer Recording with VCR Plus+
Interactive Program Guide System
You can use the VCR Plus+ system code numbers to simplify timer
programming if you have cable TV and don’t receive all channels
through a cable box, or if you receive your TV signal off-air.
Setting Up the Channel List
If you did not set up the VCR Plus+ programming system channel
list, you can do it now.
1. Display the CHANNELS menu from the VCR MAIN MENU
2. Display the VCR Plus+ Channel List menu
3. Go to section four, Setting Up Your VCR, if you need more
information on setting up your VCR Plus+ programming
system channel list.
Using the VCR PLUS+ Programming System
1. Press MENU to bring up the VCR MAIN MENU.
1 VCR Plus+
2 Timer Recordings
3 Time
4 Channels
5 Preferences
6 Audio
7 Language
0 Exit
2. Press 1 to display the VCR Plus+ system menu.
Enter PlusCode Number
(from TV listing)
Press MENU to cancel