6 SpeedTouch™ NAPT Manager
E-DOC-CTC-20040123-0001 v3.0
6 SpeedTouch™ NAPT Manager
Introduction The SpeedTouch™ Network Address Port Translation (NAPT) Manager is designed to
simplify the configuration of the SpeedTouch™ NAPT engine. Rather than defining the
required NAPT entries for a certain application and adding them via the SpeedTouch™
web pages, the NAPT Manager offers you a selection of most popular host applications
for which the configuration of NAPT entries can be done automatically.
Supported Operating
The NAPT Manager is supported for following Microsoft Windows Operating Systems:
• MS Windows 98SE
• MS Windows ME
• MS Windows NT4.0 SP6
• MS Windows 2000
• MS Windows XP
Using SpeedTouch™
NAPT Manager
The SpeedTouch™ NAPT Manager procedure consists of two major parts:
• Detection of the SpeedTouch™
• Configuration of the SpeedTouch™
Detection of the
Proceed as follows:
1 Insert the SpeedTouch™ Setup CD-ROM in your computer’s CD-ROM drive. The
SpeedTouch™ CD Browser will start automatically.
Note If the SpeedTouch™ CD Browser window does not appear auto-
matically, click Run on the Start menu and enter the following path:
D:\Menu.exe where D stands for the drive letter of your CD-ROM
2 The Choose Language window prompts you to select a language:
Select your language and click OK.