Chapter 3. Configuration 19
3.5. Stopping TUX
If TUX was started with the /etc/rc.d/init.d/tux start script, stop TUX by executing
the /etc/rc.d/init.d/tux stop script. This will unload all user-space TUX modules au-
If you did not use the scripts provided, stop TUX with the command /usr/sbin/tux -s or
/usr/sbin/tux --stop.
3.6. Debugging TUX
To print out the state and various other information about TUX, execute the gettuxconfig
script. You must be root to run this script.
The checkbindingsshell scriptchecks an existingTUX SMP configuration,whether all IRQ,
interface, and listening socket bindings and affinities are set up correctly. It assumes that the
interfaces eth0,eth1, eth2,and so on are used linearlyand mapped linearly. Thescript warns
if it finds any inefficiency.
3.7. MIME Types
TUX supports three types ofMIME types starting with version 2.0.13and kernel patch 2.4.2-
P3. They are defined in /etc/tux.mime.types.
Table 3-4. MIME Types
MIME Type File
TUX/redirect plphp All extensions listed after TUX/redirect will be
redirected to the secondary server.
TUX/CGI cgi pl All extensions listed after TUX/CGI will be handled
by the TUX CGI engine directly.
TUX/module tux x All extensions listed after TUX/module will be
handled by TUX userspace modules.
The TUX/redirect MIME type will redirect all requests to files ending in .pl or .php to
Apache, without having to check for file permissions.
The TUX/CGI MIME type specify scripts that should be located in the $DOCROOT/cgi-bin
directory, orthe directory specifiedby thecgiroot parameter. Referto Section3.3 fordetails.
Refer to Chapter 5 for details about the TUX/module MIME type.
3.8. Mass Virtual Hosting
TUX supports mass virtual hosting, which enables a very high number of virtual hosts.
There are three tunables that deal with virtual hosting:
• virtual_server— Valid values are 0, 1, 2, or 3.
• mass_hosting_hash— Valid values are 0, 1, 2, or 3.
• strip_host_tail— Value must be an integer.