136 Netscape Directory Server Gateway Customization Guide
HTTP server configuration
add additional CGI directory (3.x) 21
add additional CGI directory (4.0) 20
add additional document directory (3.x) 20
add additional document directory (4.0) 20
and gateway root suffix 17
change permissions of cookie directory 21
name translation mapping 17
HTTP server recommendations
for release 4.0 gateway 15
Netscape Administration Server
performance 15
ignoreAccetpCharsetFrom parameter 83
include parameter 84
Installation planning 11
lang CGI 115
character sets 8
ideal character set for 26
setting up 26
location parameter 46, 48, 84
location-suffix parameter 85
3.x to 4.0 14
dsgw-30.conf 14
dsgwmig script 14
running the migration script 15
Name translation mapping 17
newentry CGI 115
newtype parameter 46, 85
NLS parameter 86
Non-anonymous searching 9
Object class templates
adding attributes to 51
adding search support for 64
adding template for a child of a parent
class 53
and directives 51
and entry-related directives 51
and entry types 45
attributes 50
configuring DN formats for 49
considerations for adding new 47
creating a new parent object class 55
creating new search object 65
See also Search objects
default object class templates 50
default template files 41
deleting attributes from 52
extending 53
extending search preferences for 63
mapping locations and entry types 48
structure 92
authlifetime 79
baseurl 80
binddnfile 81
changeHTML 81
charset 81
configdir 82
dirmgr 82
gwnametrans 83
ignoreAcceptCharsetFrom 83
include 84
location 46, 48, 84
location-suffix 85
newtype 46, 85
NLS 86
securitypath 86
template 46, 87