E33S-1 Sunrise Gas Insert 19
6) Place 2 screws through the screw holes on the hinge and place a
spacer over each screw.
7) Secure the hinge to the bottom fl ange of the fi rebox with 2 screws
from step 6. Repeat for other side.
8) Align the left and right side hinge with the screw holes in the bottom
louver and secure in place using 3 screws per side.
9) Install the door frame by hooking the top fl ange over top of the glass
door, push in the bottom of the door frame to secure in place.
NOTE: To ensure the gap between the door frame and faceplate legs
are equal (approximately 1/2" on each side) you may need to slide
the door frame slightly to the left or right accordingly.
Door Frame Flange
10) Close the bottom louver.
Completed Faceplate & Door Frame Installation
Glass Door
5) Secure the bottom of the faceplate to the fi rebox fl ange using one
screw on each side.
NOTE: Ensure that the bottom of the faceplate leg is aligned with the
screw hole on the inner side of the fi rebox fl ange.
Faceplate secured to inner side of fi rebox fl ange.