HZ54 Regency Horizon
Gas Fireplace
Completed Faceplate & Door Frame Overlay Installation
To ensure the gap between the door frame and the faceplate
are equal from side to side you may need to slide the faceplate
slightly to the left or right accordingly.
Also if necessary, the faceplate may be adjusted up and down
by loosening the top screw as shown in the diagram below and
sliding the plate up or down as required.
Faceplate Mounting Slots
4) Install the faceplate to the unit by hooking the left and right side
mounting brackets into the mounting slots at the side of the fi rebox
as shown below. It is recommended that you use the fi rst mounting
slot (the one closest to the door frame overlay) out of the 5 so that
the faceplate and door frame overlay are fl ush with one another. See
diagram below.
NOTE: There are 5 mounting slots available, this is to accomodate
any fi nishing that protrudes slightly beyond the faceplate.
First Mounting Slot