Regency Wood Insert & Hearth Heater12
Pull Open Push Closed
Side View
Front View
Front View
Hearth Heater (H2100M)
Steel Baffl e
Place the insulation batt on top of the baffl e.
Make sure that this batt is laying fl at and does
not obstruct the smoke from getting up the fl ue
opening. This insulating batt may be wrapped
in paper for handling purposes and does not
require removal. Batt hold down weights are
supplied with the unit and are to be placed on
the insulation to either side of the fl ame spreader
as shown in the diagram and at the rear, directly
in front of the fl ue opening.
Lift the front end of the baffl e up and over
the rear of the
air tube. On
Hearth Heater
(H2100M) re-
move center
tube by slid-
ing it sideways
fi rst and then
Small Insert I1100S
1) If the two air tubes are installed continue on
to Step 2), if not, follow the instructions below.
Install the air tube into the holes in the side
channels. The notch goes on the right hand
side with the air holes facing toward the door.
Slide the tube into the left hand side, as far
as possible and then bring it back into the
hole on the right hand side until it locks into
position. If the tube will not slide in easily
simply use a pair of vise grips or pliers and
tap it into place with a hammer. A tighter fi t
will ensure the tube will not move when the
unit is burning. There are only two air tubes
in the small units (refer to the diagram in the
Large Insert I3100L section).
2) Slide the left baffl e brick over the front air
tube and then slide it back over the rear air
3) Tilt the left baffl e brick up on top of the side
channel and it will leave enough room to
position the right baffl e brick in the same
manner as Step 1) above. Then reposition
the left baffl e brick fl at on the air tube.
4) Important: push both baffl e bricks so
they are tight against the side walls.
Note: When getting the chimney cleaned,
remove the baffl e bricks for access
to the fl ue, then replace them when
cleaning is completed.
Lift the rear of the baffl e, pivoting it on the air
tube, until it clears the rear air channel.
Slide the rear of the baffl e on top of the rear
air channel in front of the locating tabs. Make
sure that the insulation is lying fl at and does
not obstruct the smoke from getting up the fl ue
opening. Place hold down weights on top of
the insulation - one on each side.
Before establishing your fi rst fi re, it is important
that your fully understand the operation of you
draft control. The draft rod is on the left side of
the Inserts and it controls the intensity of the fi re
by increasing or decreasing the amount of air
allowed into the fi rebox. To increase your draft
- pull open, and to decrease - push closed.
As well as a primary and glass wash air system,
the unit has a full secondary draft system that
allows air to the induction ports at the top of
the fi rebox, just below the fl ue baffl e.
WARNING: To build a fi re in ignorance or to
disregard the informa tion contained in this
section can cause serious permanent dam-
age to the unit and void your warranty.
Hook screen to the inside on the right side
of the fi rebox door opening. Lock in place by
turning handle.
Back Side of Screen Shown
Fireplace Stoves equipped with doors
should be operated only with doors
fully closed. If doors are left partly
open, gas and fl ame may be drawn out
of the fi replace stove opening, creat-
ing risks from both fi re and smoke.
When operated with doors open the
manufacturer supplied screen must
be used.
NOTE: The handle must be positioned at 10
o'clock when closed to avoid the handle from
getting hot and to ensure the screen stays in
Handle Lock
Handle at 10 o'clock position.