This heater is a vented appliance and must be connected to a chimney/
fl ue in accordance with the installation codes.
Note: The rear pedestal cover plate is only required when outside
air is being used. If using room air for combustion, remove
this plate from the back of the pedestal.
For your safety this heater is equipped with a vent safety switch designed
to sense incorrect venting and react by shutting down the gas supply.
This thermally actuated switch is located within the draft hood and
will detect either a blocked chimney or backdraft condition where the
chimney fl ow has reversed. If this switch shuts the unit down, it indicates
a drafting problem that must be identifi ed and rectifi ed without delay - the
thermally activated switch must never be bypassed or disconnected as
a hazardous or deadly condition can result.
Venting Requirements
A four inch diameter vent is required. B-Vent, Class A or Masonry
with an approved liner are all acceptable. For cosmetic or aesthetic
purposes 6" outer vent can be used as long as an approved inner vent
is installed. Fasten but do not penetrate the inner sleeve of the B-Vent
when tightening the screw.
Follow all venting manufacturer’s requirements and local building codes.
In cold climates, we recommend the use of insulated B-Vent, chase, and
liners. For altitudes above 2000 ft. we recommend that a minimum fl ue
height of 12 ft. is used.
Flue Mounting Bracket
Attach the fl ue mounting bracket with the enclosed screw as shown in
the diagram.
Installation into Existing
Wood Stove Flue System
1) Clean existing Chimney system.
2) Run an approved 4" fl ex liner or "B" vent into existing chimney.
See the chimney systems manufacturer for detailed
installation instructions.
U38 Gas Stove
156 June 2007 Regency Product Specifi cations Book
Gas Stoves
Gas Stoves