ResMed Corp Poway, CA, USA +1 858 746 2400 OR 1 800 424 0737 (toll free), ResMed Ltd, 1 Elizabeth MacArthur Drive Bella Vista NSW 2153 Australia +61 (2) 8884 1000 or 1 800 658 189 (toll free). Offices in Austria,
Brazil, Finland, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Japan, Malaysia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom (see website for details). Hospital Full Face Mask protected by patents:
AU 744593, AU 775051, CA 2261790, EP 0956069, EP 1187650, US 6112746, US 6357441, US 6374826, US 6513526, US 6581602, US 6634358, US 6701927, US 7069933. Other patents and design registrations pending.
Hospital Nasal Mask patents and design registrations pending. Mirage is a trademark of ResMed Ltd and registered in U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. ©2006 ResMed Ltd. Specifications may change without notice.
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Global leaders in sleep and respiratory medicine www.resmed.com
Disposable Masks and Circuits
Quick to fit. Effective to use.
ResMed, a leading global supplier of masks, has developed a line of custom-designed products for hospital use.
Quick to fit and easy to use, ResMed’s disposable masks and circuits provide cost-effective, time-saving solutions for the clinical environment.
Ideally suited for CPAP, bilevel pressure treatment and noninvasive ventilation therapy.
ResMed Hospital Full Face Mask (vented)
Small 60703
Medium 60704
Large 60705
Headgear (10 per pack) 60710
ResMed Hospital Nasal Mask (vented)
Medium 61106
Large 61107
Headgear (10 per pack) 61118
ResMed Hospital Universal Disposable
Bilevel Circuits
Universal Disposable
Bilevel Circuit with filter (10 per case) 21952
Universal Disposable
Bilevel Circuit (10 per case) 21953
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