All variable changes on any microphone or the Executive Elite Base Station will
result in a Return String. A Return String will begin with “val” and terminate
with a Carriage Return. Return Strings will be received for every value change
that has taken place in the microphones or base station including changes that
are a result of a Command String sent to the Executive Elite Base Station, but
also for changes initiated from the microphone or the web interface or front
panel interface. The Return String structure is as follows:
val <Command> ch <Channel #> <Value> <CR>
Executive Elite’s Command interface is backwards compatible with Executive
HD’s command interface. Control applications written to control HD systems
will also work with Executive Elite systems. The Executive Elite system’s
control interface has to be configured in the same way the Executive HD’s
command interface was configured.
The Command Interface of the Executive Elite has been expanded significantly
with additional and new functionality. These commands will not work with
Revolabs Executive HD systems.
Channel #:
The options for the <Channel#> portion of the serial strings are 1-8 for an
Executive Elite 8, and 1-4 for an Executive Elite 4 system, since each Base
station can only control its own 8 or 4 microphones, respectively. The
<channel#> corresponds to the channel number the microphone is paired to in
the Executive Elite.
A <Channel#> of “A” will control all microphones.
The following string would set microphone channel 3 to be the chairman
microphone for its mute group:
Command: set chairmanmic ch 3 1 Return: val chairmanmic ch 3 1
The following strings would turn off all microphones on the Elite:
Command: set shutdownmic ch A Return: val shutdownmic ch A
The following strings would retrieve the battery status of microphone 5 @ 98%:
Command: get batterystatus ch 5 Return: val batterystatus ch 5 98