Connecting the Optional RS-232 Port
8 HDR 205HD User Manual August 7, 2001
TABLE 1. RS-232 Serial Port Pinout
Ensure that your device is set up with these default serial port parameters.
TABLE 2. RS-232 Serial Port Parameters
You may need to connect the HDR 205HD’s serial port adapter to a host
computer configured as Data Communications Equipment. This is done using a
null modem. The net effect of a null modem is to reverse the Transmitted Data
and Received Data connections. Also, the Request to Send and Clear to Send
connections are reversed. This is done by using a special “null modem” cable,
or by inserting a small “null modem” box or cable in series with a regular
“straight through” cable.
9-pin D-Sub Description
1 (not connected)
2 Received Data
3 Transmitted Data
4 Data Terminal Ready
6 Data Set Ready
7 Request to Send
8Clear to Send
9 (not connected)
Duplex Full
Baud rate 9600 (or as required)
Data bits 8
Start bit 1
Stop bit 1
Parity no parity
Physical 9-pin D-Sub connector (female)
Configuration D.C.E.
Handshake X-On / X-Off