❖ Security Reference
This manual is for administrators of the machine. It explains security func-
tions that you can use to prevent unauthorized use of the machine, data tam-
pering, or information leakage. For enhanced security, we recommend that
you first make the following settings:
• Install the Device Certificate.
• Enable SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Encryption.
• Change the user name and password of the administrator using Web Im-
age Monitor.
For details, see “Setting Up the Machine”, Security Reference.
Be sure to read this manual when setting the enhanced security functions, or
user and administrator authentication.
❖ PostScript 3 Supplement
Explains how to set up and use PostScript 3.
❖ UNIX Supplement
For “UNIX Supplement”, please visit our Web site or consult an authorized
❖ Other manuals
• Manuals for DeskTopBinder Lite
• DeskTopBinder Lite Setup Guide
• DeskTopBinder Introduction Guide
•Auto Document Link Guide
❒ Manuals provided are specific to machine types.
❒ “PostScript3 Supplement” and “UNIX Supplement” include descriptions of
functions and settings that might not be available on this machine.
❒ The following software products are referred to using general names:
Product name General name
DeskTopBinder Lite and DeskTopBinder Pro-
ScanRouter EX Professional
and ScanRout-
er EX Enterprise
the ScanRouter delivery software