Assembly (continued)
Spur and Cup Center Installation
1. From the loose parts package find the
1 3/4-16 Hex Nut
1 Spur Center
1 Live Center
2. Screw nut onto head stock spindle until
finger tight.
3. To insert point into spur center, place
center between jaws of a vise. Do not
tighten vice. Insert point into center and
with a hammer and nail gently tap
around the base of the point until
NOTE: A piece of cloth may be wrapped
around the centers to protect them before
inserting into a vise.
Place the wood between the centers and
lock the tailstock.
4. Use a clean cloth to remove any oil or
other debris form the taper of each cen-
ter and the inside bore on both head-
stock spindle and tailstock ram.
5. Insert spur center into head stock spin-
dle and live center into tailstock ram.
NOTE: Do not drive or hammer centers
into spindle or ram as removal may be dif-
6. To remove spur center from spindle,
place a wrench on the “flats” of the spin-
dle and turn hex nut counterclockwise
until center is ejected. Do not use index
pin to hold pulley.
The spur center may also be removed
with a 3/8" dia. wood dowel or brass
rod through the hole in the spindle of
headstock. Hold the center with one
hand tap the dowel or rod with a ham-
7. To remove live center insert a 3/8" dia.
wood dowel or brass rod through the
hole in the tailstock ram. Hold the cen-
ter with one hand and tap the dowel or
rod with a hammer.
Hex Nut 3/4-16
Tailstock Ram
1/4" Dia.
Wood Dowe