
Network pro les
Each time that you connect your radio to a WiFi network, the radio will
store the details of that connection (SSID, security key, DHCP/IP address
settings) as a pro le. Up to four such pro les are stored in the radio so
that if the unit is used in multiple locations there is no need to enter the
network settings when returning to a location previously visited.
The radio stores the four most recent pro les in memory identi ed by
their SSID. Normally the radio will attempt to connect to one of the stored
pro les and only if it is unable to do so will you need to use the Network
Wizard (see page 15).
In the event that you visit a location only once you may wish to delete the
pro le for the network in that location to avoid losing other pro les.
1. Access the menu for the current mode by pressing the Menu button.
Rotate the Tuning/Select control until 'System settings' is highlighted
on the display. Press the control to enter the settings menu.
2. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until 'Network' is highlighted on the
display. Press the control to enter the Network settings menu.
3. Rotate the Tuning/Select control until 'Network pro le' is highlighted
on the display. Press the control to see the stored pro les. The pro le
which is currently in use (if any) is marked with an asterisk.
4. To remove a pro le from memory, rotate the Tuning/Select control to
highlight the pro le to be deleted and then press the control.
5. The radio will offer a 'YES' or 'NO' selection. Rotate the Tuning/Select
control to select 'YES' and then press the control. The selected pro le
will be deleted.
Note that it is not possible to delete a pro le which is currently in use.