Congratulations! You now own a ROLODEX
Electronics organizer, a powerful 64K electronic
organizer that through advanced data compres-
sion can hold 96K. Using this organizer you can:
• keep track of daily appointments,
• store and retrieve telephone numbers and
addresses, Internet addresses, memos,
and To Do items,
• set two clocks to keep the time and date in
32 locations around the world,
• set a Daily Alarm,
• perform mathematical calculations,
• perform metric and currency conversions,
• set a password which allows you to create
secret records, and
• transfer information to and from your IBM-
compatible personal computer with the
purchase of a connectivity kit (see
“Specifications” for ordering information).
Your organizer comes with the batteries
already installed. All you have to do to get
started is carefully remove the battery
insulation tape from the battery compartment.
To learn how, read “Getting Started.”