Iron and other impurities
If your water supply contains large amounts of iron or organic matter,
these minerals can collect inside the iron and eventually appear as
brown stains. If you experience these problems Rowenta recommends
using inexpensive bottled spring water.
Never use 100% pure distilled water.
Always remember:
Battery water and water containing additives (such as starch, perfume
or fabric conditioner) may not be used. Such additives can affect the
properties of the stean and, at high temperatures, can form deposits
in the steam chamber, which will mark the laundry when they are
emitted through the steam vents. For this reason descaling liquids
should not be used.
Your iron is equipped with two self clean functions.
Vapodur Valve
The patented Vapodur valve ensures that the opening which allows
the water to drip from the water tank into the steam chamber of your
iron remains unaffected by hard water deposits.
To ensure your iron continues to steam efficiently the valve MUST be
opened and closed a few times. This is done by moving the variable
steam control left to right a few times each time you finish ironing.
Steam Chamber Cleaning Function
This function allows loose mineral deposits and other impurities that
build up inside the iron to be flushed out. This type of self cleaning
only needs to be carried out occasionally and never more than once
a month.
Fill the iron with cold tap water so the
water is halfway to the max line and set
variable steam to min.
Set thermostat dial to maximum
Stand on heel and plug in.
When the iron reaches the correct
temperature, indicator light will go out,
unplug iron.
Hold iron horizontally over the sink with
soleplate pointing away from body.
Press and hold down the self clean
button for about 1 minute.
WARNING: Doing this will cause steam and hot water to be
ejected from the soleplate. Take all proper precautions and hold
iron away from body.
Move the iron gently back and forth and side to side until all water
has run through.
Carefully wipe all water and material from the soleplate with an old
folded towel, as the water and minerals can stain the soleplate
(although this has no effect on glide or performance).