Coffee dose adjusting knob (see page 10).
Coffee button:
• the button has been pushed once:1 coffee has been selected.
• the button has been pushed twice: 2 coffees have been selected.
Hot water/steam button:
• on: steam function is selected
• off: hot water function is
Alarm light:
• permanently on (one or more events): signals the machine is out of coffee, that the
water tank is empty, or the grounds drawer is full.
• RQDQGVORZO\ÁDVKLQJRQHRUPRUHHYHQWVsignals that the Brew Group is not
inserted, the grounds drawer is not inserted, the cover of the coffee hopper is not
inserted or the service door is open.
RQDQGTXLFNO\ÁDVKLQJsignals the need to prime the water circuit.
Descaling light:
• RQDQGÁDVKLQJ signals the need to perform a descaling cycle (see page 14).
Machine ready light:
• permanently on: signals that the machine is ready for use.
• RQDQGÁDVKLQJ signals that the machine is warming up.
• RQDQGTXLFNO\ÁDVKLQJ: signals that the machine is too warm; dispense water.
Alarm light to empty the coffee grounds drawer:
• permanently on: signals the need to empty the grounds drawer; this operation must be
performed with the machine turned on (steps 4 and 5, page 16).
signal appears again, contact the customer service centre.