Securing your Child in the Sit’n’Stroll™Securing your Child in the Sit’n’Stroll™
Securing your Child in the Sit’n’Stroll™Securing your Child in the Sit’n’Stroll™
Securing your Child in the Sit’n’Stroll™
& Adjusting the Harness System& Adjusting the Harness System
& Adjusting the Harness System& Adjusting the Harness System
& Adjusting the Harness System
On hot or sunny days, always check the fabric andOn hot or sunny days, always check the fabric and
On hot or sunny days, always check the fabric andOn hot or sunny days, always check the fabric and
On hot or sunny days, always check the fabric and
metal buckles before placing your child in themetal buckles before placing your child in the
metal buckles before placing your child in themetal buckles before placing your child in the
metal buckles before placing your child in the
restraint to avoid burns or discomfort.restraint to avoid burns or discomfort.
restraint to avoid burns or discomfort.restraint to avoid burns or discomfort.
restraint to avoid burns or discomfort.
Never use the Sit’n’StrollNever use the Sit’n’Stroll
Never use the Sit’n’StrollNever use the Sit’n’Stroll
Never use the Sit’n’Stroll
without the harness without the harness
without the harness without the harness
without the harness
securely buckled around your child and adjusted tosecurely buckled around your child and adjusted to
securely buckled around your child and adjusted tosecurely buckled around your child and adjusted to
securely buckled around your child and adjusted to
our cour c
our cour c
our c
s sizs siz
s sizs siz
s siz
Before using your new Sit’n’StrollBefore using your new Sit’n’Stroll
Before using your new Sit’n’StrollBefore using your new Sit’n’Stroll
Before using your new Sit’n’Stroll
you must adjustyou must adjust
you must adjustyou must adjust
you must adjust
the harness system to fit your child. It is importantthe harness system to fit your child. It is important
the harness system to fit your child. It is importantthe harness system to fit your child. It is important
the harness system to fit your child. It is important
to adjust the harness system every time you placeto adjust the harness system every time you place
to adjust the harness system every time you placeto adjust the harness system every time you place
to adjust the harness system every time you place
your child in the Sit’n’Strollyour child in the Sit’n’Stroll
your child in the Sit’n’Strollyour child in the Sit’n’Stroll
your child in the Sit’n’Stroll
If your child is under one year of age and22 poundsIf your child is under one year of age and22 pounds
If your child is under one year of age and22 poundsIf your child is under one year of age and22 pounds
If your child is under one year of age and22 pounds
and his or her head is not yet to the top of the stitchand his or her head is not yet to the top of the stitch
and his or her head is not yet to the top of the stitchand his or her head is not yet to the top of the stitch
and his or her head is not yet to the top of the stitch
line, you should install the Sit’n’Strollline, you should install the Sit’n’Stroll
line, you should install the Sit’n’Strollline, you should install the Sit’n’Stroll
line, you should install the Sit’n’Stroll
rear-facing rear-facing
rear-facing rear-facing
in the vehicle. If your child is over one year of agein the vehicle. If your child is over one year of age
in the vehicle. If your child is over one year of agein the vehicle. If your child is over one year of age
in the vehicle. If your child is over one year of age
and at least 20 pounds, follow forward-facingand at least 20 pounds, follow forward-facing
and at least 20 pounds, follow forward-facingand at least 20 pounds, follow forward-facing
and at least 20 pounds, follow forward-facing
instructions. Between 20 and 22 pounds you mayinstructions. Between 20 and 22 pounds you may
instructions. Between 20 and 22 pounds you mayinstructions. Between 20 and 22 pounds you may
instructions. Between 20 and 22 pounds you may
use the Sit’n’Strolluse the Sit’n’Stroll
use the Sit’n’Strolluse the Sit’n’Stroll
use the Sit’n’Stroll
™ ™
™ ™
if your child is atif your child is at
if your child is atif your child is at
if your child is at
least one year of age.least one year of age.
least one year of age.least one year of age.
least one year of age.
Rear FacingRear Facing
Rear FacingRear Facing
Rear Facing
Latch Plates
Proper adjustment of the harness system for use rear-facing
1. Open the buckle by pressing the red button and
pulling the latch plates from the buckle. Open
the chest clip.
2. Place your child into the seat, making sure his
or her bottom is fully against the base of the
3. The shoulder straps should be at or below your
child’s shoulders. Use the lower shoulder belt
slots. Use the shortest adjuster belt loop.