Chapter 5 Using Overlay Keyboards
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5.3 Further Information
Web Sites
Concept Keyboard Company http://www.conceptkey.co.uk The Concept Keyboard and accessories
Don Johnston Inc. http://www.donjohnston.com/
Information about Discover:Board and other Don
Johnston products.
Inclusive Technology http://www.inclusive.co.uk/default.htm
An excellent practical introduction to
the range of alternative keyboards and pointing devices available.
Intellitools http://www.intellitools.com/
- The IntelliKeys site, with downloadable resources for
AU Enterprises Ltd, 126 Great North Road, Hertfordshire AL9 5JZ, Tel 01707 266714
Concept Keyboard Company, 9 Murrills Estate, Portchester, Hampshire PO16 9RD Tel. 01705
Don Johnston, 18 Clarendon Court, Calver Road, Winwick Quay, Warrington WA2 8QP. Tel:
01925 241642.
Inclusive Technology, Saddleworth Business Centre, Huddersfield Road, Oldham OL3 5DF, Tel.
01457 819790.
KCS, PO Box 700, Southampton SO17 1LQ. Tel. 01703 584314.
Resource, 51 High Street, Kegworth, Derby DE74 2DA, Tel. 01509 672222.
Semerc 1 Broadbent Road, Watersheddings, Oldham OL1 4LB, Tel. 0161 627 2381.
Taylor, Jennifer (1995) MAPE Concept Keyboard Special 1995, Microscope Spring 1995.