Square Name Moves
A1 Italian Opening e2e4, e7e5, g1f3, b8c6, f1c4, f8c5
A2 Two Knights Defense e2e4, e7e5, g1f3, b8c6, f1c4, g8f6
A3 Spanish Opening e2e4, e7e5, g1f3, b8c6, f1b5, a7a6, b5a4, g8f6,
e1g1, b7b5
A4 Sicilian Defense e2e4, c7c5, g1f3, d7d6, d2d4, c5d4, f3d4, g8f6,
A5 French Defense e2e4, e7e6, d2d4, d7d5
A6 Caro-Kann Defense e2e4, c7c6, d2d4, d7d5, b1c3, d5e4
A7 Scandinavian Defense e2e4, d7d5, e4d5, d8d5, b1c3, d5a5
A8 Alekhine’s Defense e2e4, g8f6, e4e5, f6d5
B1 Queen’s Gambit d2d4, d7d5, c2c4, e7e6, b1c3, g8f6, c1g5, f8e7
B2 Queen’s Gambit Accepted d2d4, d7d5, c2c4, d5c4
B3 Nimzo-Indian Defense d2d4, g8f6, c2c4, e7e6, b1c3, f8b4
B4 Queen’s Indian Defense d2d4, g8f6, c2c4, e7e6, g1f3, b7b6
B5 King’s Indian Defense d2d4, g8f6, c2c4, g7g6, b1c3, f8g7, e2e4, d7d6
B6 Gruenfeld Defense d2d4, g8f6, c2c4, g7g6, b1c3, d7d5
B7 Dutch Defense d2d4, f7f5, c2c4, g8f6, b1c3, e7e6
B8 English Opening c2c4, e7e5, b1c3, g8f6, g1f3
Figure 3-1. Moves in Openings Coach
You can then choose which opening game you want to review by pressing one of the
squares from A1 to B8. Figure 3-1 lists the available openings. For example, to select the third
Openings Coach, press square A3, and o(:3 will flash in the display to confirm that the third
Openings Coach has been selected. The two bars indicate that the computer will display
moves for both sides, so you can watch and learn. Press the same square again and the
display will change to o_:3, indicating that the computer will play the white side and let you