
Hydrive Combo Sample Settings
The Hydrive combos are powerful bass amps with a lot of personality. The ampliers oer bassists
a wide range of sounds and after playing just a short time; you’ll nd the tone that's perfectly
suited for your playing style and your sound. To get you started, try some of the samples settings
below. Remember, 112C, 115C and 210C use dierent speaker systems, plus dierent basses are
made of dierent wood and have dierent pick-ups, so the sound will vary a little bit on each
individual set-up. But still, the sample settings will get you close enough, so your can use you ear
to tweak up the sound that’s perfect for you.
On page 18 you'll nd blank templates of the Hydrive amplier section. Use these templates to
write down the settings for your favorite sounds. Feel free to photocopy or scan the template
page if needed.