– 45mm LED fader for each of the 31 frequency
bands, which can be software set for +/- 12 dB or +/- 6 dB
– Red LED indicating the fader is
is the exact location where the fader's
physical postion physical
matches the level of the digital filter.)
- 45mm LED fader for the Main Output
level, which can be software set for +/- 12 dB
or +/- 6 dB of cut and boost, as well as
– Backlit display that shows the various
parameters under control by the operating system.
– Rotary encoder for entering parameter
- Green LED indicating the fader is
above the null (matching) point.
exact location where the fader's
physical postion matches physical
the level of the digital filter.)
– When the red LED is on, the digital
equalizer, as well as all the on-board digital processing
– Used to switch between the your actual
modified program, to the last program that has been
loaded or stored into memory.
– Assigns the Left (CH1) digital equalizer to
– Used to control the left and right (CH1 and
CH2) equalizer simultaneously with the one set of physi-
- Assigns the Right (CH1) equalizer
to the physical controls.
– When engaged, the left and
right equalizers are linked to the physical faders.
– Used to access the automatic
Feedback control parameters. When selected, the
amber LED will illuminate and the associated val-
ues will be displayed in the LCD window.
-- When engaged, the amber LED will
illuminate indicating that the EQ parameters are
under control and displayed in the LCD window.
- Used to access the automatic GATE
control parameters. When selected, the amber LED
will illuminate and the associated values for the
digital noise gate will be displayed in the LCD win-
- When engaged, the amber LED will
illuminate indicating that the DELAY parameters
are under control and displayed in the LCD win-
- When engaged, the amber
LED will illuminate indicating that the DELAY
parameters are under control and displayed in the
– LED switch used to access the
automatic HI PASS and LOW PASS control param-
eters. When selected, the amber LED will illuminate
and the associated values for the high and low pass
filters will be displayed in the LCD window.