Section 25
280 Terms & Conditions/Warranty
Invoicing cycles are approximately 30 days in length.
Invoicing cycles and dates may change from time to time.
Except as otherwise provided in your Service Plan, monthly
recurring charges (MRCs) are invoiced one invoicing cycle in
advance. Airtime is invoiced retroactively to the first minute
based on your Service Plan for your total usage in your
invoicing cycle. Charges for Services are usually invoiced as
soon as possible after the charges accrue (unless you are
receiving Services under a Sprint PCS Prepaid Service Plan).
We may, however, invoice you for usage and charges occurring
before the invoicing cycle being invoiced, if they were not
previously invoiced. If you are invoiced for usage incurred
during a prior invoicing cycle, those minutes will be applied to
your Service Plan minutes for the current invoicing cycle.
However, if you change your Service Plan between the time the
usage was incurred and the beginning of the current invoicing
cycle, those minutes from the prior invoicing cycle will be
charged at the applicable per minute overage rate set out in
the Service Plan in effect at the time the usage was incurred.
If you have authorized payment for Services or equipment by
credit card or by debiting a bank account, no additional notice
or consent is required before we invoice the credit card or debit
the bank account for all amounts (including any late charges,
taxes or other regulatory related charges) due to us or billed by
us on behalf of a third party. You must promptly notify us of
any change in your invoicing address or of the credit card or
bank account used for payment. We reserve the right to require
payment by money order, cashier’s check or other secured
form of payment. If we take action to receive payment beyond
invoicing you for charges for Services or equipment, you must
pay our costs and expenses of collection, including attorneys’