Features of the AlphaPC164UX Motherboard 2–1
Features of the AlphaPC164UX Motherboard
Table 2–1 provides an overview of the AlphaPC 164UX motherboard’s features.
Figure 2–1 shows the AlphaPC 164UX motherboard and its components.
Table 2–1 AlphaPC 164UX Features
Feature Description
Microprocessor Alpha 21164 microprocessor (64-bit RISC)
Core logic chip Digital Semiconductor 21174 core logic chip, comprising a single
control chip that provides an interface to system memory and the
PCI bus
Main memory 32MB to 3GB memory array –- Three banks of 128-bit memory;
168-pin unbuffered SDRAM DIMMs with ECC
L1 Icache 8KB, direct-mapped instruction cache on the CPU chip
L1 Dcache 8KB, direct-mapped data cache on the CPU chip
L2 Scache 96KB, three-way, set-associative, write-back unified instruction
and data cache on the CPU chip
L3 backup cache Onboard 2MB/4MB, direct-mapped, synchronous SSRAM backup
cache with 128-bit data path
I/O and miscellaneous support 32-bit and 64-bit, 33-MHz PCI
One 64-bit and five 32-bit PCI expansion slots
One dedicated ISA expansion slot
DEC 21052 PCI-to-PCI Bridge chip
Intel 82371SB PCI-to-ISA bridge chip
DEC 21143 10/100 Mb/s Ethernet LAN Controller
Symbios 53C875 Ultra wide SCSI Controller
SMC FDC37C666 combination controller chip provides control
for diskettes, two UARTs with modem control, parallel port
1MB flash ROM
Firmware Windows NT ARCSBIOS firmware