Google Applications
Google Settings
Quickly and easily change Google app
settings to suit your preferences.
Note: You must be signed in to the
application you want to configure. For
example, sign in to Google+ to configure
Google+ settings.
Stay connected and share with Google+.
Chat with friends and family, post photos,
and see what others are sharing.
Visit google.com/mobile/+ to learn more.
Hangouts is an online place to meet friends
and family, share photos, and host video
calls. Conversation logs are automatically
saved to a Chats area in your Gmail
Visit google.com/hangouts to learn more.
Use Google Maps to find your current
location, get directions, and other location-
based information.
Visit google.com/maps to learn more.
Note: You must enable location services to
use Maps. Please see Location Services.
This application automatically backs up
your photos and videos to a secure Google
cloud location.