CHAPTER 2. Ошибка! Стиль не определен.
Samsung Business Communications
Use this program to view the programmable buttons assigned to stations. In addition, it al-
lows the system administrator to assign key extenders to some keys to make a general ac-
cess feature key more specific. The feature keys that can have extenders are listed below.
Key Feature Extender
AB Absence Extension number
ACC Account code bin 000-999
BOSS Boss and Secretary 1-4
CR VM Call Record Mailbox number
CS UCD Call Status UCD group number
DIR Directory dial by name type 1-3
DP Direct Pickup Extension or station group number
DS Direct Station Select Station number
FWRD Call Forward 0-7
GPIK Group Pickup 01-99
IG In/Out of Group Station group number
MMPG Meet Me Page 0-9, *
MW Message Waiting Extension or station group number
MS Manual Signalling Extension or station group number
PAGE Page 0-9, *
PARK Park Orbits 0-9
PMSG Programmed Station Messaging 01-20
RP Ring Plan 1-6
RSV Room Status View(Hotel Application only) 1-5
SG Station Group Station group number
SP UCD Supervisor UCD group number
SPD Speed Dial Personal: 00-49
System: 500-999
VG SVM-800 Group Message Station group number
VM VM Memo Extension or station group number
VT Voice Transfer VM group number