Sprint Worldwide
Sprint Worldwide Wireless Service 53
Understanding Status Messages
You may receive status messages under certain conditions. Before contacting Sprint Worldwide
Customer Support, note the message, numeric code, and the conditions under which it
appeared. The following table lists and describes the status messages.
Message Description
Number Not in
The number that you entered is not valid.
User Not
The phone that you called is either busy, out-of-range, or turned off.
Please try again later.
User Not
The party that you called has not purchased this service.
Please Try
This service is temporarily not available. Please try again later.
Service may not be activated properly. Please contact Sprint
Customer Service to report the issue for resolution.
Service Not
This feature is not available on the current network.
Calls Only
Either the service is not activated properly or the current network is
available for emergency calling only. Adjust your network settings to
check for other available networks. See page 47 for details. If service
is still not available after adjusting settings, contact Sprint Customer
Service to report the issue for resolution
System Busy
Try Later
The system is experiencing heavy traffic. Please try again later.