Here are a few tips and recommendations to be followed when cooking or reheating food with
the Auto Cook feature.
Code Food Serving Size Standing Time Recommendations
1 - 1 Plated meal 300 - 400 g 2 mins. Take the dish out of the refrigerator and
- 2 450 - 550 g cover it with microwave cling film.
This programme is for meals with meat
pieces in sauce/gravy and cooked
vegetables with a side-dish such as
mashed potatoes or noodles.
2 - 1 Canned food 200 - 250 g 1 - 2 mins. Take the food out of the can and place it
- 2 400 - 450 g in a deep soup plate or ceramic bowl with
a lid. This programme is for canned foods such
as pasta in tomato sauce, ravioli, baked beans
and vegetables e.g. sweet corn, etc.
3 - 1 Casserole/stew 400 - 500 g 2 mins. Place the food in a deep soup plate or a
- 2 700 - 800 g ceramic bowl with a lid. Stir before leaving
to stand.
4 - 1 Soup/sauce 200 - 250 g 1 - 2 mins. Pour the soup or sauce into a deep soup
- 2 400 - 500 g plate or ceramic bowl. Cover with a lid during
reheating and stir before leaving to stand.
5 - 1 Boiled potatoes 400 - 500 g 3 mins. Take potatoes which are having a similar
- 2 550 - 650 g 4 mins. size. Wash and peel them, and put them in a
- 3 700 - 800 g 5 mins. glass bowl and add 150 - 200 ml of water.
Cover with a lid during cooking and standing.
6 - 1 Fresh vegetables 200 - 250 g 2 mins. Place the vegetables in a glass bowl and
- 2 400 - 500 g add 45 - 60 ml of water. Cover with a lid
- 3 600 - 700 g during cooking. Stir before leaving to
stand, still covered with a lid.
This programme is especially suitable for
firmer vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower ,
carrots etc.
7 - 1 Fish 200 g 2 mins. Arrange the fish in a glass plate and
- 2 400 g cover with microwave cling film.
- 3 600 g This programme for fresh fish is for whole
fish or fish fillets of trout, plaice, salmon
and cod.
8 - 1 Roast beef 1000 g 5 - 10 mins. Brush the beef with oil and put it on the
- 2 1500 g roasting rack. Turn the meat over when
- 3 2000 g the oven beeps.
9 - 1 Roast pork 1000 g 5 - 10 mins. Brush the pork with oil and put it on the
- 2 1500 g roasting rack. Turn the meat over when
- 3 2000 g the oven beeps.
10 - 1 Roast chicken 700 g 5 - 10 mins. Brush the chicken with oil and put it on
- 2 1000 g the roasting rack. Turn the meat over
- 3 1500 g when the oven beeps.
Using the Auto Cook Feature
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