Cooking Guide
Fresh Portion Power 1. Side 2. Side
Food Time Time
(min) (min.)
Bread Rolls MW+Grill 300W+Grill Grill only
Arrange rolls in a circle with the bot-
(each ca. 50 g) 2 pc
-2 2-3
tom side up directly on the turntable.
4 pc
2-3 Grill the second side of the rolls up to
the crisp you prefer. Stand for 2-5
Baguettes/ MW+Grill 450W+Grill Grill only
Put frozen baguette diagonally on
Garlic Bread 200-250 g (1pc) 3
2-3 baking paper on the rack.
After grilling stand for 2-3 minutes.
Gratin 400 g 450 W + 13-15 ----
Put frozen gratin into a small glass
(vegetables or Grill pyrex dish. Put the dish on the rack.
potatoes) After cooking stand for 2-3 minutes.
Pasta 400 g 600 W + 14-16 ----
Put frozen pasta into a small flat rec-
(Cannelloni, Grill tangular glass pyrex dish. Put the dish
Macaroni, directly on the turntable. After cooking
Lasagne) stand for 2-3 minutes.
Fish Gratin 400 g 450 W + 16-18 ----
Put frozen fish gratin into a small flat
rectangular glass pyrex dish.
Put the dish directly on the turntable.
After cooking stand for 2-3 minutes.
Grill Guide for frozen food
Use the power levels and times in this table as guide lines for grilling.
Fresh Portion Power 1. Side 2. Side
Food Time Time
(min) (min.)
Pork Steaks MW +Grill (300W+Gril) (Grill only) Brush the pork steaks with oil and
250 g (2pc) 6-7 5-6 spices. Lay them in a circle on the
500 g (4pc) 8-10 7-8 rack. After grilling stand for 2-3
Roast Fish 450 g 300 W + 6-7 7-8 Brush skin of whole fish with oil and
650 g Grill 7-8 8-9 herbs and spices. Put fish side by
side (head to tail) on rack
Baked 2 apple 300 W + 6-7 ---- Core the apples and fill them with
Apples (ca. 400g) Grill raisins and jam. Put some almond
4 apples 10-12 slices on top. Put apples on a flat
(ca. 800g) glass pyrex dish. Place the dish
directly on the turntable.
Grill Guide for fresh food
CE2933/2913(GB3) 4/28/99 9:32 AM Page 44