When you’re notified of a new voicemail message by an alert
tone and the new message icon, the following options pop:
Listen Now
— Calls your voice mailbox and lets you listen to your
Listen Later
— Returns you to standby mode where you can choose
to call your mailbox and review your messages at a later time.
Listen to Voicemail Now
1. In standby mode, select
Listen Now
in the New Voicemail
pop-up. Your phone automatically calls your voice mailbox.
2. Follow the voice prompts to access your voicemail
Listen to Voicemail Later
If you have chosen to review your voicemail messages at a later
1. In standby mode, press the Messages shortcut (Down
navigation) key or press the
soft key, then select
Messages ➔
. The
screen appears in
the display, showing the number of new voicemail
messages received and the date and time the latest
message was received.
You can also access your voicemail from standby mode, by pressing and
holdling or to speed call your voice mailbox.
2. Follow the voice prompts to access your voicemail
Erase Messages
You can erase all of the messages in any or all of message boxes
using one convenient sub-menu.
This function erases all messages in the selected message box. To
delete a single message, go to the respective message box, highlight
the message, and press the
soft key. (For more information, refer
to “Managing Inbox Messages” on page 60, “Managing Outbox
Messages” on page 62, or “Managing Draft Messages” on page 64.)
1. In standby mode, press the Messages shortcut (Down
navigation) key or press the
soft key, then select
Messages ➔ Erase Messages. The following options
appear in the display:
— Deletes all unlocked messages stored in the Inbox.
— Deletes all unlocked messages stored in the Outbox.
— Deletes all unlocked messages stored in the Drafts box.
All Messages
— Deletes all unlocked messages stored in all of
the message boxes, except Voicemail.
r560.book Page 65 Tuesday, June 16, 2009 1:04 PM