Entering Text 50
The following options appear in the display:
• 3X4 Keypad
— Displays the phone-style touch keypad.
— Displays the keyboard-style touch keypad, in
landscape mode.
• Handwriting box
— Displays the divided text entry screen with the
handwritten text entry field at the bottom. Recognized text appears
in the upper field.
• Handwriting full screen
— Displays the full-screen handwritten
text entry field. Both handwritten text and the recognized text
appear in the same field.
2. Select
3X4 Keypad
. The phone-style touch keypad appears
and the display automatically rotates to show information
in a wider, landscape format.
Using the QWERTY keypad, you can type letters, numbers,
punctuation, and other special characters into text entry fields or
other applications simpler and faster than using the phone-style
Your phone’s Browser function requires you to use the QWERTY
keypad. Other functions requiring text entry (such as, Messaging and
Memo Pad) accept text entry from whichever keypad you prefer.
Changing Text Entry Screen Using QWERTY Keypad
From the QWERTY touch keypad, change to another text
entry screen by pressing one of the following keys:
Handwriting Recognition
Your r860 also can recognize print
handwriting. Just print letters or
numbers, and r860 translates it to
text in a screen font.
Accessing the Divided Handwriting
Recognition Screen
The divided Handwriting
Recognition screen offers separate
message text (upper) and dedicated
handwriting (lower) fields.
3X4 Keypad
— 3X4 (phone-style) touch keypad
Handwriting box screen
Divided handwriting recognition
• Handwriting full screen
— Full-screen handwriting
recognition screen — In the
Handwriting box
press , then select
Handwriting full