When you start EasyGSM, you can see the phonebook
data loaded from your phone. You can edit or delete the
phonebook data, or create new phonebook data on your
computer. Your phone will be automatically updated.
To Edit PhoneBook
1. Make sure that the EasyGSM window shows the
phonebook data. If not, click the Phone Book tab.
2. Find the item you want to edit. If you click the title
(No, Name, or Phone Number) at the top of each
column in the list box, the contents in the selected
column are sorted in alphabetical order or numeri-
cal order.
Click the PhoneBook tab to
load the phonebook data.
Each time you click a title,
the contents are sorted in alpha -
betical or numerical order.
3. Click the item you want to edit. The selected item
is highlighted.
4. Double-click the desired item. The View/Edit
Phone Book dialog box appears, and shows the
current setting of the selected item.
5. Change the settings, then click OK to save them.
Click the desired item to select.
P h o n e B o o k
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